Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving remedies:

Thanksgiving remedies:
Peppermint & Basil essential oils

Throughout the year there are days of regular diet, balanced to one
essential needs, and there are days of feast.

Thanksgiving belongs to the latter :-).
Wrappig us in warmth of hearth and heart. News and chatter everywhere.
Accompanied by delicious food and ale.

All this is necessary and welcomed for all our senses.
Away from the daily clic & clac, tic & tac.
Diving right into it, nourrishing so many needs, feeling lovely, being

Yet it has to be digested as well!

Helping our little and big internal friends, our organs, and
especially the digestive tract, to keep up with all this splendor, we
might give them a hand:

1 drop of essential oil Peppermint + Basil onto a small cube of sugar
(of course a coffee-spoon of honey or olive oil would be better, just
stay away from the gravy for his one :-) ).
That's it.
What a simple and powerful remedy.
You will feel its wonderful aid IMMEDIATELY.

Have a warm & joyful Thanksgiving.

Shiatsu Aroma Do-In

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